Paradise, and the cold dark
She clumsily rose to her feet, the scent of roses surrounding her, enticing her with sweetness. This garden of eden was no paradise; there was only darkness, the illusion of light was fading, and with it, she too would simply wither away.
The woman’s head throbbed, pain pulsing and pulsing with no foreseeable end, with no limit. Cheery blossom drifted around her, whispering in hushed voices, ‘follow,’ ‘follow’… Beautiful light shone down upon emerald blades of grass, reflecting elegantly; it’s light. Blinding yet radiant, and beautiful. White clouds floated along the ocean – blue stream that was the sky, a sea of perfect sapphire that stretched as far as the eye could see. Soon this would all crumble to dust in the wake of the end, and after that, only darkness could follow. The woman turned to face the lone cherry blossom tree in this field of paradise, and she smiled lightly.
“Thy end, is nigh.”
He woke with a start, the dream of falling fresh in his mind. Cold and darkness attacked him as his eyes darted, desperately searching for light. Drip. Drip. Water fell with a soft though as it splashed against stone, the sound bouncing across the cavern of nothingness, echoing through shadows. A damp, sinister wind swept through the cavern, calling, shouting, barking, ‘Run’, ‘Run!’. There must be light, he knew, and he knew that in the darkest of places, in the blackest of nights, the light only shone brightest.
His head throbbed as he scampered to his feet, his movements were quick, undisciplined, fearful. Only darkness existed in this land of chaos, only darkness… But then, a spot of light. Another. Another. This world of darkness was crumbling, the absolute reality that all was darkness, was changing, and soon it would be no more, and with it, well, a creature of darkness held no place in the light.
The edge of paradise was crumbling, and she could see the precipice of darkness growing ever closer, and with it, two blue eyes; however, they were neither evil nor menacing, was she not destined for death?
Visions of light smashed through the mouth of this hungry cavern, and with it, a beautiful creature became visible through his blank, empty eyes. Was he not destined for destruction?
The darkness conjoined with the light, it mixed, the light drove away the darkness, yet it fed it more power, it cast more shadows.
The woman stepped onto cold stone, the a shiver travelled up her spine.
The man stepped onto emerald grass, the softness cushioned his bruised feet, as he protected his eyes from solar beauty.
“Hello?” He asked as he caught sight of her.
“Greetings, one of darkness.” She flashed a smile, and added a curt bow. His blue eyes blinked at her smile, as her pink orbs stared back into his sapphire pools.
“My heart is but darkness, in a cage of black, but perhaps your white light is a key?”
“I am but a key without a lock, without purpose. Perhaps this is my purpose?”
Hope you enjoyed!