

This was an 80 word flash-fiction for a writing competition I have entered. Flow. Colours are twisting and pulsing through my hands, my legs swing with salient beauty over my head. My converse trainers squeak

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My Petition

My Peitition: Media lies in Syria Hi! I made a petition surrounding Syria and would be extremely grateful if some of you signed it: Here is the petition. I’m a 17 year old British male

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A Rant on recent advertisements.

A riot over a soda, or a discussion over a beer. – Rant, less structured than my other political posts. Both big brands Heineken and Pepsi brought out political commercials in the last month to

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Sorry! I haven’t uploaded in a month due to a multitude of reasons. Life kinda got in the way, exams, tons of school work, the holidays and too much stress. I should be back into

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